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Read our complete review of Magnetic Messaging By Bobby Rio and learn the secrets to unlock your inner force of romantic attraction. Review And Free Download. Click Here For Instant Access To Download Magnetic Messaging PDF. What is Magnetic Messaging Pdf FREE Download? Try the trial system here! Magnetic Messaging Pdf FREE Download by Bobby Rio and Rob Judge claims to show you the art of being appeal on the phone. The eBook is a collaboration between Bobby Rio (a dating coach) and Rob Judge.

Part1:Introduction.......The Principles of Phone Game

AQuickWordon theTerms &Phrasesin thisBook 10

SparkingEmotions: TheDoughof PhoneUse 15

Making Connections:Adding SomeSauce 17

HandlingLogistics: The CheeseonTop 19

Magnetic Messaging Pdf Download Free

Sparkingan Emotion:StandOutwithLanguage 22

MakingConnections:BeSpecific 25

HandlingLogistics: Ask—andAskWell 27

WhenandHowMuch:Phasesofa Textship 28

Part2: First Phase....... You Wantto DateHer

GotHer Number............. NowWhat? 29

FirstText:SticktotheFormula. 31

WhentoText—andWhatto Expect. 35

FirstText Blues:TroubleshootingtheFirstText 38

Magnetic Messaging Pdf Download Free Windows 7

Who isthis?” How to Respond. 38

What DoYouLookLike?” How toProceed 42

AvoidBecomingHer New“TextingBuddy” 45

TheKey-LockSequence—Key-Turn-Push. 48

What if She Doesn’tRespond 59

LowInterest:Howto GetHer ExcitedforaDate 62

Some Interest: GettingMore ofa Connection 72

OvercomingTime:How toReviveanOldNumber 76

Girls You’reUnable toMeet:The HoldingPattern 79

Shred-HerNegativeResponse 83


PopCultureSniperShotandScattershot 85

OvercomingExcuses:ChangingHerMind 94

Part3:SecondPhase....... YouareSortofDatingHer

ArrivingtotheDate:SetYourselfUpforSuccess 105


TheDaysAfter:HowtoKeepItSizzling 108

SettingUptheSecondDate 112

TextingaGirlYouJustSleptWith 116

Magnetic Messaging Key Lock Sequence Pdf Free Download

HowtoComplimentinanAttractiveWay 119

HowtoCreateAnticipation 124

HowtobeFunny 127

Part4:ThirdPhase...... You’reDatingHer

CallingBecauseYouCare 135

UseTyposasComedyCues 138

Havea“Style” 143

AvoidingPatterns 145

HowtoBeginSexting 150

BringingUpThreesomes 154

GettingHertoSendNakedPictures 158

GenuineCompliments 161

Finally,Don’tForgettoKeepHandlingLogistics! 165

Part5:Appendix...... CommonQuestions & Mistakes

ButWhatAbout..... 167

PhoneBloopers:Avoiding Common Mistakes of PhoneGame .178

Part6: Final Thoughts .......Afterwordfrom Rob

  • Phonegame

  • Thedate

    While the initial meeting sets much of her expectations for this “three act play,” improving your phone game can dramat- ically increase how many girls meet you for a date. Moreover, phone game will improve the quality of those dates by excit- ing a woman beforehand. Undoubtedly learning to use your phone in an attractive way will boost your dating success.

    Proper phone game is more than just pressing buttons or mak-ing phone calls. Solid phone game comes from an understand-ing of attractive communication. In fact, practicing phone game is one of the fastest ways to improve the way you communi-cate with women.

    That’s because, when using your phone, time is on your side. Everything that happens over the phone happens slower than

    a face-to-face interaction. You can put more consideration into what you say, what she says, and how to respond. These low- pressure situations will make you a better communicator with women. With that in mind, this book is written with two goals:


  1. Teachingyou the principles of attractivecommunica-tion—whenusingthe phone andbeyond.

This book will supply you with plenty of examples and tem- plates, as well as a step-by-step game plan, so you can instant-ly improve your phone game. If you just send the

Magnetic Messaging Pdf Download Free For Windows 7

“prescribed” texts from this book, you’ll enjoy a significant boost in your dating success.

More important though, this book will strengthen your un- derstanding and application of attractive communication.

You will learn the principles and dynamics that constitute flirting, bantering, making a connection, and humor.

Magnetic Messaging Pdf Free

You are going to learn how to better relate to women from a classroom that fits into the palm of your hand. If you stick with this book for just three months, you will transform your inter-actions with women. Phone game is much more than simply using your phone. It’s about using language in an attractive and effective way.

This is just a sneak preview of the EBook ...

Publication Date: 11-18-2018

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