How To Download Stuff Without Administrator Password

So my user does not have admin rights and it needs a password every time I try to do an administrative action. It-sec-catalog - References to vulnerability exploitation stuff. - Gathering references to IT-security related stuff. Related Subreddits: /r/Hacking. You must be able to run without admin privileges, but this is how to get. How can you download without admin user password? Already exists. Would you like to merge this question into it? Now you can log off and go on your account and download stuff. Set or reset a Windows administrator password. Note: To set an administrator password, you must be logged into the computer as an administrator. On this page. If you forget the administrator password for your computer, you'll need to contact a local computer repair shop, where they'll have the tools to administratively reset your.

Want to allow a standard user account to run an application as administrator without a UAC or password prompt? You can easily create a shortcut that uses the runas command with the /savecred switch, which saves the password.

Note that using /savecred could be considered a security hole – a standard user will be able to use the runas /savecred command to run any command as administrator without entering a password. However, it’s still useful for situations where this doesn’t matter much – perhaps you want to allow a child’s standard user account to run a game as Administrator without asking you.

We’ve also covered allowing a user to run an application as Administrator with no UAC prompts by creating a scheduled task.

Enabling the Administrator Account

First you’ll need to enable the built-in Administrator account, which is disabled by default.

To do so, search for Command Prompt in the Start menu, right-click the Command Prompt shortcut, and select Run as administrator.

Run the following command in the elevated Command Prompt window that appears:

net user administrator /active:yes

The Administrator user account is now enabled, although it has no password.

To set a password, open the Control Panel, select User Accounts and Family Safety, and select User Accounts. Click the Manage another account link in the User Accounts window.

Select the Administrator account, click Create a password, and create a password for the Administrator account.

Creating the Shortcut

Now we’ll create a new shortcut that launches the application with Administrator privileges.

Right-click the desktop (or elsewhere), point to New, and select Shortcut.

Enter a command based on the following one into the box that appears:

runas /user:ComputerNameAdministrator /savecred “C:PathToProgram.exe

Replace ComputerName with the name of your computer and C:PathToProgram.exe with the full path of the program you want to run. For example, if your computer’s name was Laptop and you wanted to run CCleaner, you’d enter the following path:

How To Download Stuff Without Administrator Password

runas /user:LaptopAdministrator /savecred “C:Program FilesCCleanerCCleaner.exe”

Enter a name for the shortcut.

To select an icon for your new shortcut, right-click it and select Properties.

Click the Change Icon button in the Properties window.

Select an icon for your shortcut. For example, you can browser to CCleaner.exe and choose an icon associated with it. If you’re using an other program, browse to its .exe file and select your preferred icon.

The first time you double-click your shortcut, you’ll be prompted to enter the Administrator account’s password, which you created earlier.

How To Download Stuff Without Administrator Password Windows 10

This password will be saved – the next time you double-click the shortcut, the application will launch as Administrator without asking you for a password.

How to download stuff without administrator password on computer

As we mentioned above, the standard user account now has the ability to run any application as Administrator without entering a password (using the runas /savecred command to launch any .exe file), so bear that in mind.

How To Download Stuff Without Administrator Password On Mac

The Administrator password is saved in the Windows Credential Manager – if you want to remove the saved password, you can do it from there.

I know what this sounds like. Before you ban or block or post some smartass remark, hear me out. I'm trying to get around an adminstrator password on my work computer so I can install a couple of useful apps. Before I joined the company, most of the computers were fairly open. About a year ago, they hired an empolyee who took advantage of this an installed personal liscense software on her work computer for work-related use. Obviously this is illegal and the employee was warned. The employee persisted and eventually the company locked the computers down so that you could not install without administrator privileges. This applied to old and new employees. I started about 2 months ago and was given a locked computer. Shortly thereafter the employee who caused the lock down policy left for another position. During this time I began experiencing issues with my computer and I needed an adminstrator to be around to help trouble shoot. This person explained why the computers were locked down when I expressed that it would waste less of his time if the computer wasn't locked. He then said, 'Of course you know that there is a workaround right? You just need a windows boot disk. Then you don't need the password.' This was the wink, wink, nudge, nudge way of saying as long as you don't do something stupid it's unofficially ok.
My question is, is this true, can I use a boot disk and not have to get an admin password to install a program? I'm not looking to install pirated software or software that I own a personal liscense for, I'm looking to install useful tools such as CPU-Z or something similar and to make enhancements such as increasing the page file size. If it's true, how do I go about it? Are there other ways to achieve the same ends? I know this is a boarderline issue but at the same time, the IT Admin guy suggested it.
Thanks for your help!