Standard Dual Channel Pci Ide Controller Driver Update

Standard dual channel pci ide controller driver updatesStandard dual channel pci ide controller driver update windows 10

Pci Ide Controller Driver

Im having a lot of sound tearing and video stuttering in a pc that is about two weeks old. Im not sure if its this driver, but any tests I run say its outdated. Device manager says that it is from 2006. I tried uninstalling it in the device manager, along with all my sound and video drivers, but I am still having the same problem. I have enough free memory, and my temps are normal. I have a gigabyte mobo but havent been able to find this driver on their site. All tests I run say the driver I have for this is old, but when I try to get windows to update, it tells me that its up to date.

Amd Pci Ide Controller Update

Home ยป Standard Dual Channel PCI IDE Controller Use the links on this page to download the latest version of Standard Dual Channel PCI IDE Controller drivers. All drivers available for download have been scanned by antivirus program. Standard Dual Channel PCI IDE Controller Drivers Download. Description: Scan your system for out-of-date and missing drivers File Version: 8.5 File Size: 2.33M Supported OS: Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP. Solved Standard dual channel pci ide controller driver update (self.techsupport) submitted 2 years ago by tendorphin. I can't seem to find this driver anywhere available for download. At least not anywhere reputable. If I use device manager to update, it says it is up to date. If I uninstall it, reboot, and then install it, it just installs.