Polaris Bios Editor 167 Download


Polaris Bios Editor (PBE): Ati Flash: Youtube video. 800 H/s 1 GPU Monero XMR Sapphiere RX580 Nitro+ stock bios video.

Posted by11 months ago

Polaris Bios Editor Download


Polaris Bios Editor 1.6.7 gone...

I originally purchased my rigs from someone and they had already flashed the bios. Well I've got learned and am going to start adding some gpu's. In making sure I have the tools available to accomplish said task, I can only find Polaris Bios Editor v1.4... Hopefully someone can hook me up with the 'one-click bios editor.' Thanks for taken the time.

*I'm trying to flash RX 580 8 gb nitro sapphire cards. Thanks.

Polaris Bios Editor 167 Download Free

EDIT: jk, found it (changes post to. Here's the link!) https://github.com/MineDevelopment/Polaris-BIOS-Editor/releases Update**** Don't use this link. It's Trojan soiled.

Polaris Bios Editor Latest Version

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