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NOTE: The spa serial number will never be located on any components (i.e: pumps, heaters etc.) or on the outside of the spa.Some early 1980's models of Hot Spring had the serial number sticker located just above the waterline in the filter area. Hello, can someone help me decode the serial number for Hot Springs Vanguard? SN: VV2k1499. NOTE: The spa serial number will never be located on any components (i.e: pumps, heaters etc.) or on the outside of the spa.Some early 1980's models of Hot Spring had the serial number sticker located just above the waterline in the filter area.
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Enter your Filter Number (or part of it) above and click 'Find My Filter':
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Find Spa Filters, Swimming Pool Filter Cartridges By The Number
Having a clean, functional pool filter cartridge or spa filters is essential for creating a safe, clean recreational environment. At, we believe in making it easier for people to find the right filters to suit their needs. Our 'Lookup By Filter Number' feature takes all of the guesswork out of finding proper replacements.
To use this important feature, just look at the swimming pool filter cartridges or hot tub filters you already have. If the number is still visible, or even just part of it, type it into the handy search box. If you cannot find the number or it`s no longer readable, you can also search by pool and spa manufacturer or by filter size.
At, we`re in the business of making it easier for people to take care of their recreational facilities. Whether it`s a replacement spa filter you need, spa chemicals or water testing products, we`ve got you covered. Our business began in 2002 in Michigan. We operate on a mission of providing the very best in pool and spa care products for less. Customer service is one of our top concerns. We know if we make you happy with the right pool filter cartridge or exceptional clarifiers, you`ll be back for more.
Spa filters and above ground pool filters are one of the most important parts of a cleaning system. If filters become clogged or don`t function as they should, dirt, body oils and other debris can be left in the water. Not only will this degrade the appearance of a pool or spa, but it could lead to a potentially hazardous situation. While spa filter cartridges alone will not fully clean water, they are the most important first line of defense.
To make sure our customers have the pool cartridge filters they need, we stock a very large supply of them from just about every major manufacturer on the market today. While it`s true that hot tub filters can be cleaned out, it`s always better to have spares. The cleaning process calls for a day of soaking and two days of drying to make sure all the tiny pores in the filters are opened up correctly and are ready to filter out debris.
Giving spa filters and pool filter cartridge models the boost they need to get the job done right does call for a few other products. Water clarifiers are vital for helping increase filter life while emulsifying oil and other unwanted contaminants in a pool. Swimming pool and spa chemicals are also necessary to remove bacteria. Other products like water treatments can play a role by balancing out pH and making the water environment friendlier for human skin.
If you`re ready to order a new replacement spa filter or swimming pool filter cartridges, is poised to assist. Just type in your model number, select the right part and place your order today. Most orders actually ship within the day and will arrive at your door as soon as possible. International shipping is also available for our customers` convenience.
Hot Tub Serial Number Search Engine
This is a question that every potential hot tub owner should ask. Otherwise you could be saddled with a huge electric bill after getting a “great deal” on a hot tub. Most high quality hot tubs should not cost more than $25 per month to operate, but the monthly costs can vary $50 or more, so ask the question! Most manufacturers will offer energy guides to show you what the approximate cost will be. If they don’t – BEWARE. Energy costs will also vary by time of year, as you will use more electricity to keep your hot tub warm in the winter than in the summer. The key variables that will add cost to your purchase price, but save you money over the lifetime of the product are: insulation, filtration, and heating.
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The insulation of the product (or lack thereof) has a huge impact on your electricity bill. Full-foam insulation (where the entire cavity under the spa is filled with foam) is by far the most insulating option. Many companies will only partially fill the cavity, or even leave it open and only insulate the panels on the side of the spa. The story you will get from these companies is that leaks are difficult to fix if you have full foam. That’s true, it is more difficult. So would you rather have a well-insulated spa designed not to leak, or a poorly insulated spa designed for leaks?
Your spa uses electricity to turn on pumps and filter the water. The most efficient process for this is the 24 hour circulation pump. This pump uses a fraction of the energy of a big jet pump, and keeps your water cleaner. Bather load will also affect how often you need to filter, increasing or decreasing your energy consumption.
Cal Spa Serial Number Lookup
The heater in your spa will also make a big impact on your energy bill. Heaters that only have one setting will always heat at the same rate. Heaters that can operate at several different wattage levels will only expend as much energy as needed to heat the water, instead of always giving full power. Also, fast-flow narrow heaters are more efficient than heaters found in slow flow wider tube heaters. The thin flow of water over the heating element will heat the water faster and more efficiently than a thicker flow of water flowing more slowly. Ask your dealer about these components in your spa.
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This is my fix for getting the drivers correctly installed on Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit. I forgot to mention in the video that I am using a PS4 controller charge cable. As long as your usb cable is capable of data transfer then it should work for you. I also removed the batteries from the controller so its only powered by the cable. If you have already installed the Windows Updates that should include the controller drivers and it still wont install the drivers for your controller then try this solution. Microsoft xbox one wired controller driver.