Atmel Touch Controller Driver Asus

I have a touchscreen, but the drivers are not working properly and interfere with my mouse.

As you know, Atmel maXTouch touchscreen controllers are used in a. For the official Atmel maXTouch Linux driver are available on GitHub. Aug 13, 2012  Official Atmel Touchscreen Driver on GitHub Hardware Hacking General. Apps, ROMs, Customization. Asus ZenFone Max Pro M1 gets an Android Pie (Android 9) port. August 14, 2018. Hi, Can you please send me the multi touch driver for ATMEL MXT224(Stream interface PDD layer) for Windows Embedded compact 7. This video demonstrates finger Hover sensing capabilities of Atmel's mXT640T, the latest maXTouch T Series touchscreen controller. The mXT641T provides 20mm Hover operation for advanced user.

Atmel Touch Controller Driver Asus Windows 7

Is it possible to disable my touchscreen , so that I can work again properly?


5 Answers

You can try disabling the input device with the xinput command. First see what input devices you have, just type:

And you should see a list like:

Then you can disable the input device you want with this command:

Where 9 is the id of the device you want to disable. You can also use the device name between quotes.

In xinput version , you need to do xinput set-prop 9 'Device Enabled' 0 instead. Oddly on xinput v1.6.2 the first way work.


The xinput solution did not work for me. I instead followed the instructions in this thread. This will disable it at boot time.

  1. Edit /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-evdev.conf
  2. Add Option 'Ignore' 'on' to the end of the section with the touchscreen identifier
  3. Reboot
  • For the record (Google), I have a Samsung Series 7 and my touch screen was listed as ELAN Touchscreen in xinput.
  • JFTR too, in this question says the power consumption difference is mostly negligible.

Edit file the file with

Change MatchIsTouchscreen from 'on' to 'off' in the Touchscreen section so it looks like this:

Save, Name and Exit

Touchscreen is disabled and no longer detected in xinput list.

Shawn MooreShawn Moore

If your touchscreen is a touch panel screen like a USB monitor, you can add default kernel driver usbtouchscreen into modprobe's blacklist file (/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf) and use your custom driver such as touchkit or evtouch.


As id for xinput changes on reboot, I added a simple one-line screen on session load:

Atmel Controller Board

Atmel Touch Controller Driver Asus

My device's name is 'Atmel Atmel maXTouch Digitizer', change that with your device (use xinput --list for device name).

Emin MastizadaEmin Mastizada

protected by CommunitySep 21 '15 at 6:50

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More data points... I have one of these Samsung 700t tablets, too. I've been struggling for some time trying to get any form of *buntu to run and be useful. I can finally report some success: I downloaded and installed the Kubuntu Active build of 12.04 ( and it's functional enough to be a near-daily driver. Scrolling with the finger works and the on-screen keyboard works. I had to bump up X from 1.11 to 1.12 using Xorg-Edgers, though. Multitouch isn't working, and neither is the digitizer pen.

I've been working on this little side project for some time. If you're curious, I've documented my progress in various places.

First attempt, described at Ubuntu Forums

A post chronicling some experimentation with UEFI (on ThinkPads, but relevant as the Samsung is UEFI)

Initial, if incomplete, success at getting Ubuntu to boot

My rant about Microsoft 'accidentally' sending me a 1099, claiming I owed taxes on the tablet

Balsam's build of Plasma Active Two, running but mostly non-functional

Usb Touch Controller

First actual useful install, KFN post created with Kubuntu Active

Atmel Touch Screen Drivers Download

15-minute video tour of my initial experimentation with Plasma Active